
Leaving her standing on the bed, hopeless, her hands overflowing with candy.

Waking up in the infirmary, Rachel’s beloved father is here! At last, recognition, appreciation, a North Star for her troubled heart which she has not had since her grandfather died-! Nope. Rachel’s dad needed to listen to the Limeliters more.

Breakfast begins with retribution falling on the deserving: Go Zoe! It devolves into an argument about when it is okay to break the rules and Sigrid reveals his secret power. Which raises the question about eavesdropping on public conversations. It also put a new twist on who is sharing what’s secrets. Lot of that going on at Roanoke.

Later at lunch, Rachel gets the cold grue about her friends’ starting their own practice sessions. Hers are to keep up with them. If they go the extra mile, won’t she be farther behind?

Art, Math, Math, lunch, Music, Double science, and T.A. for Intermediate broom practice. Afterwards, Rachel is rescued from the Malignant Drake Three by a serene and gracious Nastasia. Nothing like glacial, regal savoir faire to put the rabble in their place. Later Siggy and Rachel blow off free study period and Rachel offers to help Siggy spend his gold on basic school equipment, like shoes or a change of clothes. which none of the tutors have noticed.

Another visit to the infirmary ensues, but not for Rachel! It is caused by the contender for “funniest scene with Siggy” in book one. While everyone is hitting the infirmary Rachel cuts Gaius because he might be sharing their secrets with the MD3, but no. Valerie and Rachel discuss suspects and sleuthing: Valerie’s father was an Unwary police officer who disappeared in the middle of his last investigation. That couldn’t be connected to the false Agent who attacked her on Monday?

The next bit is primo: Rachel goes to the Knights of Walpurgis meeting which is miles more interesting than the YSL. Von Dread is the leader par excellence, and shabby-poor Gaius is a contender for his right-hand man. Salome uses her wiles to make mischief, getting one of the MD3 to challenge Rachel. Gaius seconds her to good effect, and Rachel beats. Which redounds to Gaius’ credit, and he wins the executive officer spot. To the victors belong the spoils, so Rachel gets a goodnight kiss, which is both awesome and a little scary.

“I am not a tutor or a fool” ~ Vladimir Von Dread


  1. Through Children’s Eyes is a great song, but was it right? Where’s the balance? How do you raise kids in a world where they will meet the minions of evil in Middle School?
  2. Do you have a lodestar for your heart? A captain for the ship of your soul?
  3. “We must always do what is right, even when aiding others” quoth Nastasia. What do you think? Betsie ten Boom told the truth to the SS officer about whether they had forbidden Jews in the basement (or maybe it was the radio), and her family was spared. Tricky question, no?
  4. Anyone know what the female version of “churl” is? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Because that’s what the Malignant Drake 3 are.
  5. Have you ever been envious of a friend’s success? Or embarrassed by your own lesser attainments, compared to theirs?
  6. Infirmary Count? Stable.